Alexey Khmelnitskiy
General director and the founder of the Analytical Group ERTA
In 1998, Alexey Khmelnitskiy headed the Department of the Gas Industry and Gasification of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy. There he put together a team of like-minded people, who, later, became the core of AG ERTA, founded in 2000.
From the times of working in the Ministry, many branch officials, managers of state firms, and the highest commercial officials are valuing his detached opinion. Experience, contacts, charisma and unusual insight of A. Khmelnitskiy are one of the main assets of our company.
Graduate of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technologykhmelnitskiy@erta-consult.ru

Andrey Boris
Project manager, fuel and energy complex issues
A.Boris direct efforts of the analytical team on the solution of the project tasks, leads the preparation of the reports and presentations for the clients of AG ERTA. Nevertheless, the main part of his job is the structuring of the most difficult processes, like hydrocarbons transportation.
Andrey is one of the ideological authors of the modern method of setting tariffs for main pipeline gas transportation in Russia, the author-developer of the model of gas transportation system, created by AG ERTA.
Graduate of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, PhD.boris@erta-consult.ru

Evgeniy Grabilnikov
Project manager, branch «Fuel Audit»
The area of responsibility of E. Grabilnikov in AG ERTA – organization and managing of the projects of Fuel Audit (examination and analysis of the fuel supply systems for our clients, development of measures for increasing the effectiveness, production automation and, at least, feasibility study of necessary investments).
Evgeniy is the acknowledged specialist in a field of business-analysis, standardization and strategic planning.
Professional interest of E. Grabilnikov: planning and designing of systems and processes; structuring and visualization of the information; development of the infographics, regulation and standardization of the working; efficiency marking, reengineering and change of management.

Valentin Mordasov
The leader of the information and analytical department
One of the first company employee, since the moment of AG ERTA foundation. He maintains the biggest independent database of Russian gas industry and fuel-energy complex in general. The information from this database serves as a basis of many analytical researches of our company. Valentine for more than 20 years professionally monitor the oil and gas industry, analyze sectoral legislation and legislative activity. Valentine has an encyclopedic knowledge in a field of industry history and practices.
His ability to see non-trivial consequences of well-known events often become the basis for conclusions in our projects.

Andrey Smirnov
Information systems expert
Serious approach to the problem of risk estimation is always connected with the simulation of the situation. Andrey is an author of the software models, which are used by AG ERTA every day: the model of gas transportation system of Russia, model of the variants of gas industry development up to 2030, etc.
Information systems security is the second competence of Andrey, which is popular among our clients.

Irina Grechishkina
Expert on a state regulation of natural monopolies
Before coming to AG ERTA, Irina supervised gas and coal industry in Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia. Most clients of AG ERTA know her like a good specialist in a field of antitrust regulation. Irina is fluent in the skill of development and writing regulatory documents, related to the fuel and energy complex of Russia.
Besides, she is one of the few experts, in a sphere of production, transportation and consumption of the liquefied hydrocarbon gases and gas condensate.
PhD in Economics.

Elena Logvinenko
Expert in management accounting and taxation, Chief Accountant
Elena Vasilievna is the person, who know and like to work with numbers. She is well-qualified specialist with a perfect knowledge of accounting, finance and economics.
No doubts, Elena Vasilievna has all positive traits, that accountant need. Honesty and responsibility, attentiveness and exactness, accuracy and perseverance, diligence and patience – are the only few of these traits.
Elena Vasilievna knows perfectly well that every penny counts and help to hand over in time the annual balance. Long experience of AG ERTA confirms that in financial tasks we can trust to Elena Vasilievna completely.