Analytical group ERTA offers services of strategical consulting in a field of fuel and energy complex and natural monopolies of Russia. Analytical group includes “ERTA-consult”, “ERTA”, .
In 2019, ERTA Group celebrated the 20-th anniversary! During these years we succeeded in more than 500 projects for more than 100 clients.
Our clients include almost all big market figures and government departments, connected with fuel-energy complex of Russia. Specialists of our company take part in development of the methods of tariffs calculation, work out the projects of legal acts, realize the monitoring of government programs, make technical and economic analysis and financial expertise of the projects in a field of fuel and energy complex, marketing review and analysis of the regional markets of gas, oil and petroleum products.

Our services
of fuel and energy
complex markets
Analysis of fuel and energy complex markets
Analysis of the markets is held in order to make a decision about entrance of the company to the market or expansion of it in the fuel-energy markets and estimation of all risks and effects.
Experts of Analytical Group ERTA make comprehensive analysis of fuel-energy complex markets based on macroeconomic indicators, complex development programs, global trends and factual data, from one side, and the plans of development of all “significant” market figures, from another side.
As a result of works by analyzing of fuel and energy complex markets, the client gain:
- Evaluation of “economic concentration” and key parameters of the market (consumers, competitors, an amount of trade, etc.) and the prognosis of its changes;
- Evaluation of today’s, future and unpredictable factors, influencing on prognosis parameters;
- Formed prognosis of market development (based on the results of analysis) generally, and prognosis of its parts (sectoral and regional);
- Recommendations of regulating and deregulating of analyzing market, according to the methods, that are used by antimonopoly departments (if it is necessary).
strategies of progress
Development of conceptions and strategies of progress
Specialists of our company have a big practical experience of conceptions, strategies and
plans of progress development. Jointly with the client, we develop clear and understandable for all long-term vision of organization, which can motivate the
employees and, if it is necessary, attract the investors.
On the basis of formed vision, analysis of the ambient business conditions and the current situation of the client’s business, we define strategic aims, key indicators of the project realization and main measures of the “road map”.
As a result of works the client will have a package of documents, which includes:
- Short description of the current business conditions
- Analysis of the ambient business conditions, analysis of the competitors and the market
- Mission and the vision of the perspectives
- Grounding the choice of strategy of development with the description of the factors, influencing on this choice
- “Road map” of the strategy realization
- Key indicators of an effectiveness
- Description of the risks of realization and the measures to drop/prevent it
of the feasibility study,
business plans and projects
Development and appraisal of the feasibility study, business plans and projects
Our experts realize the future working model of the client’s business, that helps client to estimate fully the feasibility of the project for all concerned parties (potential investors, creditors, partners and the client himself)
The result of development of the feasibility study/business-plan is the document in form, that client need, or according to the standards of UNIDO, Russian banks and funds, or other organizations, which includes:
- Appraisal of technical feasibility of the project
- Financial and economic estimation of the project
- Plan of realization
- Appraisal of the needs in resources
- Analysis of the external factors
- Appraisal of payback of the project
- Terms of realization of the project
and formation of prognosis
mathematical models
Calculations and formation of prognosis mathematical models
Specialists of “ERTA” Group are experienced in:
- modeling and analysis of network infrastructure load, including modeling and analysis for future, considering the prognosis of the demand for the corresponding infrastructural services and the development programs realization of these structures
- prognostication of the economic effect from separation of single businesses from big companies
- calculation and modeling of tariffication systems for companies and industry branches, which are using tariff system, etc.
of fuel procuring
of companies
Improvement of fuel procuring of companies
The object of research is a chain of fuel procuring of client’s company: planning of fuel needs, purchase of fuel, operative supply, acceptance, storage, distribution, including the transportation, and consuming of fuel.
As a result of realization of a project the customers of “fuel audit” will have:
- An independent assessment of effectiveness of existing system of fuel procuring – description of existing system, strengths and weak points, appraisal of risks and perspectives of development, analysis of non-production losses and appraisal of the misuse level at client’s company.
- Recommendations and the list of measures aimed at drop of consuming level and non-production losses of fuel, in aim to:
- drop fuel costs
- optimize purchasing procedures and price formation
- form end-to-end accounting
- improve of methodological procuring, including automation
- modernize the infrastructure and facilities
- develop system of control of the fuel consumption
of fuel and energy complex
and natural monopolies
Services, connected with regulation of fuel and energy complex and natural monopolies
Our experts regularly take part at monitoring of implementation of the state programs, are included in departmental working groups, the main aim of that is regulation of fuel and energy complex and natural monopolies, make expert inference for regulations projects, implement analysis of existing legal system and form plans of its improvement.
Services for organizations:
- consultations about interpretation and application of existing legal system (for foreign and Russian companies)
- development of proposals in a field of changing of the legal system in aim to harmonize the contact of client and regulatory authorities (conduction of expertise, preparation of changes in legal acts, preparation and reconciliation different justifications)
For state bodies:
- we develop projects of legal acts in a field of regulatory functions of the state (access to the services of monopolies, ratification of monopolies services, rules of network connection, etc.)
- we make analysis of existing legal system, detect needs and form the proposal of improvement for existing legal system, considering modern trends of development

Examples of successfully realized projects
Our team
An experience, knowledge, talents of ERTA collective help us to solve difficult and ambitious tasks, take part into nonstandard projects and realize them, to reach the goals.

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Examples of successfully realized projects
Access to the Russian market
Client | One of the world biggest oil and gas company |
The description of the initial situation | The company was searching for the possibility of access to the Russian gas production and supply market. They needed an effective market strategy. |
Works, offers and solutions of “ERTA” |
The first, introductory, stage consisted of series of lections for management about the features of structure and functioning of Russian gas market. We presented the main figures in the market, balance of market power, features of state regulation. During the second stage, “ERTA” offered a few strategies of access to the gas market, which will help to avoid conflicts with dominant figures on the market. One of these strategies was chosen as the main one, and, during the third stage, we made analysis of gas market in the chosen region, estimated perspective fields and gave some recommendations about the variants of its development. The works were done by “ERTA”, in collaboration with one of the leading consulting company “CERA”. |
Result | The company acquired some licenses on gas extraction in Russia. |
Estimation of power stations value
Client | One of the biggest West-European electric utility company |
The description of the initial situation | The company considered the opportunity to acquire some power stations, working on a gas, in one of Russian regions. It was necessary to define what are the perspectives of gas supply to these power stations, what prices will be and what supply volume is needed. |
Works, offers and solutions of “ERTA” |
We made a price forecast and draw up the balance of production/consumption of gas in Russia generally, and in this region particularly. The situation seemed to be good, but it was necessary to calculate the payback from buying of these power stations. For this, we needed to answer few questions concerning electricity market: • What is the price of electricity and what are the mechanisms of forming the price? • What are the forecasted changes at market, will it be launched some new generating or consuming facilities? • How these changes will influence the prices? Besides, it was necessary to estimate the technical condition of acquired power stations. For this, it was needed to engage some Russian specialists, realize technical audit of power generation objects and show its results to management. We helped to choose the technical experts and quickly organized the interaction with them. As result, it was calculated the reasonable price of acquiring of these power stations. |
Result | The company decided to acquire some power stations in Russia. |
Advisability of Refinery building
Client | Russian mining company |
The description of the initial situation |
The company, which specialize on mining, came to us with the problem: a big amount of machinery, working on a diesel fuel, were involved in a perspective project in the Far East. The company had to deliver the fuel from afar, which increased the project cost. The company decided to build the fuel production facilities in an reasonable closeness using the resources of nearest fields
Works, offers and solutions of “ERTA” |
We made an estimation of possibility and feasibility of fuel production facilities building. In process of analysis, we had an answers on this questions: • What are the true fuel needs of a company? • How much will it cost to change the fuel supplier? • On base of what fields, does it possible to build the fuel production facilities, and who are the owners of these fields? • Who produces the facilities, needed for fuel production on the fields? • What are the infrastructural circumstances? (gas pipelines, roads, etc.) • Is it possible to refuse from heating oil production? |
Result | The reasonable price of refinery was calculated |
Field management in aim to raise the cost
Client | “Interros” company |
The description of the initial situation | Shares in a project of the Kovyktinskoye field development (subsoil user – “RUSIA Petroleum”) belonged to “Interros”, for which this business is non-core. The shareholder decided to engage some outside consulting company for services in accompaniment of accepted decisions. |
Shares in a project of the Kovyktinskoye field development (subsoil user – “RUSIA Petroleum”) belonged to “Interros”, for which this business is non-core. The shareholder decided to engage some outside consulting company for services in accompaniment of accepted decisions. |
During few years, “ERTA” accompanied the processes of decision-making about the Kovyktinskoye field in the Board of Directors of “RUSIA Petroleum”. In a number of decisions, accepted with our help, is included: • Choice of contractor and budget approval • Affirmation of geological researches results • Negotiations with “Gazprom” and local authorities • Negotiations about gas supply at China • Affirmation of existing financing project As a result, the market price of the field was increased greatly. Also, we took part in a process of a sale, including preparation of the potential buyers list, preparation of investment memorandum, organization of the “data room” |
Result | Market price of the field increased greatly, gas asset was realized with a profit. Similar project in a field of management was realized for Holding “Metalloinvest” on Yurubchinskiy unit of Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye Field (subsoil user company – VSNK). |
Evaluation of possible effects from field enquiring
Client | Russian metallurgical company |
The description of the initial situation | The license on gas field was proposed to the metallurgical company. Shareholders understood – resources of this field can help to solve energetic problems of production process. They decided to find out, what will be the final price of gas and what risks will arise if the company enter the gas market. Will the purchase be reasonable? |
Works, offers and solutions of “ERTA” |
We made an evaluation of: • Perspectives of field development, including evaluation of gas reserves, possibility to transport gas to the consumer, final gas price. • Gas prices perspectives on the market As a result “ERTA” did not recommend to buy that field, because gain in price was miserable and overbalanced by risks of conflict with dominating gas suppliers and local authorities |
Result | Shareholders of metallurgical company refused from acquiring of gas asset. |
Taking into account the Russian specifics
Client | Foreign gas company |
The description of the initial situation | The company acquired the field in Russia, planning to start gas production. Nevertheless, the company faced few difficulties: it turned out, that gas production cannot be started until all technological requirements are not completed. It was impossible to connect to the nearest gas pipeline, because no one knew who the owner of the pipe was. In addition, it was unknown, does it exist any additional need of gas among the consumers on that side of the pipe. All of this was complicated by the conflict with other market players. No attention was paid to the Russian law base; company did not contacted with the local administration. The danger of license revocation arose. |
Works, offers and solutions of “ERTA” | The documents was checked, we found out the main problems. We made the research of local market, key figures and their interests. As a result, we found out the compromise solution, which satisfied all parties of the conflict. |
Result | Russian technological requirements were fulfilled, the field was successfully launched. |